Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sekar Cepoko Binabar

This is a community that is specially in the arts and environment. Meaning of the name of this community is investigated the identity of an art in the environment. Mr. Suyana which coordinates the movement is housed in the community Gunungpati, Semarang. He dreamed of performance "kethoprak" a simple but exciting the audience even though such amount to 5 players complete without musical accompaniment can still enliven its appearance. Its members consist of various groups, from young children to adults. Circle time adjusted by the board of the community.
On the day Sunday, March 4, 2012 this community had the opportunity to participate in carnival culture in boarding school that followed also by other artists. They walk from terminal to boarding school, members of the Javanese traditional dress and a clown to entertain the people who saw the carnival event.

1 comment:

  1. Baguss sekali kawan....
    Di tengah perkembangan jaman dan dunia hiburan instan seperti TV sekarang ini, ternyata masih ada kelompok orang "Sekar Cepoko Binabar" yang masih peduli dengan seni budaya daerah yang tujuannya tidak lain untuk menghibur masyarakat dan warisan budaya...:)
