Monday, February 27, 2012


Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others.
Ever since the rise of the New Order regime 35 years ago, many minorities in Indonesia have to face racism and discrimination of Indonesia. This is achieved through many pieces of legislation. Some of them are specifically targeted at the Chinese ethnic minority. A minimum of 62 such enactments are currently known to be valid law in Indonesia. These enactments regulate various sectors such as religion, economy, education, custom and culture and are to the effect of restricting the rights of the targeted ethnic in those fields. However, we are glad that President Gus Dur has eliminated one of the regulations by Presidential Decree, even if this is far from being adequate.
As a result, racial violence has become a common phenomenon in Indonesia. In 1998 women of Chinese descend were targeted for rape, the rest of the ethnic Chinese community for assault, looting, and murder. Such atrocities occurred in major cities such as Medan, Makassar, Jakarta and Solo. Racial riots occurred also between the Dayaks, Malays and Madura in Kalimantan in 1997. More recently in Maluku, mass-killings occurred between civilians belonging to two different religious groups. On a smaller scale, anti-Christian violence also occurred in Mataram and anti-Chinese riots in Pekalongan.(
from that issue, we learned that although Indonesia says "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" there are still some people or groups who have not thought proper to those who differ with them. lack of moral education in the family make society sometimes become an unsafe place for minorities. but now Indonesia is grateful there is progress, when there is a big event like a football event, all the Indonesian people to unite with one voice to support the Indonesian national team. in fact if we learn from our own families appreciate, maybe racism will not happen.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Global Youth Culture

By Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner

In my reflection, i learned about the global development of youth all over the world and reality in life. Writers shared about the process is how the culture affects the youth of the world. Most influence started from habits of young people who carried out routinely. Which is often seen is the field of fashion, a gathering place, and hobbies.
The spread of the habit through the media in everyday life. Such as MTV (Music Television) in this channel a lot of special events for the Youth program; Movie of film culture is often also shown that there is such freedom writers, the film tells about the life of a youth who gathered only with the same race and in the end they can united; magazine, from magazine we knows about what is the Lifestyles celebrity, hot news, and also fashion; internet, when we are browsing the Internet, Sometimes we see advertisement about the new gadget or we clicks on Lifestyles we see what is trending topic now. Besides That writers also said about youth live in poverty, wars, and Slavery.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


media is a place where people communicate what happened, promotional items, or voice their opinions. we often encounter in our daily lives so many kinds of media such as print and electronic media. sometimes for the media to promote a product, for some reason there is something that attracts us so that there is a desire to buy goods that are promoted, there are also impressions that exist in such television news show that we can know what is being discussed by the general public, and reality show that makes we laugh because the humor players might have made ​​us even moved by the sad circumstances that occur.
nah, from the media we can know that the impact of media into one of the factors forming the human personality. if we as an audience of media that is necessary to "Filter" to filter media where appropriate to the age of media audiences. once we know the impact of the news show that is not appropriate for children like action movies, there are children playing pistol events containing plastic bullets, one child was injured at the temples so that the child is a little hard in his sight. I again invite us all to selective, have the "Filter" to be able to sort out which media is right to be enjoyed


Ethnocentrism is making value judgments about another culture from perspectives of one's own cultural system. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and subdivisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.
in my experience, I've found ethnocentrism in the field of cultural leadership. often happens that people who have the authority sometimes abuse their authority. But I have ever experienced was at the time of discussion, sometimes the leader makes the decision regardless of the noise from the existing partners. and what happens, some of the partners running the existing decision with a heavy heart. but grateful at all agree with what has been decided to give it an advantage. there are a wise man said that there is no one righteous, no not one.
so what can I learn from etnocentrisme, we can indeed take pride in what has become our culture or habits. but based on what the wise man had said that nothing is true, we as human beings we should complement each other, to love, even reminding that we live in this world can create the life of peace.