Monday, June 11, 2012

Doa Bapa Kami berbagai bahasa


Bahasa Indonesia 
versi Alkitab LAI:

    Bapa kami yang ada di surga,
    Dikuduskanlah nama-Mu,
    datanglah Kerajaan-Mu,
    jadilah kehendak-Mu
    di bumi seperti di sorga
    Berikanlah kami pada hari ini
    makanan kami yang secukupnya
    dan ampunilah kami akan kesalahan kami,
    seperti kami juga mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kami;
    dan janganlah membawa kami ke dalam percobaan,
    tetapi lepaskanlah kami dari pada yang jahat
    [Karena Engkaulah yang empunya Kerajaan
    dan kuasa dan kemuliaan sampai selama-lamanya

versi lain:

    Bapa kami yang ada di surga
    Dimuliakanlah nama-Mu
    Datanglah Kerajaan-Mu
    Jadilah kehendak-Mu
    Di atas bumi seperti di dalam Surga
    Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini
    Dan ampunilah kesalahan kami, seperti kamipun mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami
    Dan janganlah masukkan kami ke dalam percobaan
    Tetapi bebaskan kami dari yang jahat

Bahasa Jawa

    Kanjeng Rama ing swarga
    mugi asma Dalem kaluhurna
    kraton Dalem kawiyarna
    ing donya inggih kalampahana
    karsa Dalem kados ing swargi
    abdi dalem sami nyadhong paring Dalem rejeki ing sapunika
    sakathahing lepat nyuwun pangapunten Dalem
    déné kawula inggih ngapunten dhateng sesami
    abdi dalem nyuwun lepat saking panggodha
    saha tinebihna saking piawon

versi lain:

    Rama kawula ing swarga
    Asma Dalem kaluhurna
    Karaton Dalem mugi rawuha
    Karsa Dalem kalampahana
    wonten ing donya kados ing swarga
    kawula nyuwun rejeki kangge sapunika
    sakathahing lepat nyuwun pangapunten dalem
    kados dene anggen kawula ugi ngapunten dhateng sesami
    kawula nyuwun tinebihna saking panggodha
    saha linuwarna saking piawon

versi lain:

    Dhuh, Rama kawula ingkang wonten ing swarga,
    Asma Paduka mugi kasucèkaken.
    Kraton Paduka mugi rawuh.
    Karsa Paduka mugi kalampahan
    wonten ing bumi kadosdéné wonten ing swarga.
    Kawula mugi kaparingan rejeki kawula
    sacekapipun ing dinten punika.
    Saha Paduka mugi ngaputen kalepatan kawula,
    kadosdéné kawula inggih ngapunteni tetiyang ingkang kalepatan dhateng kawula.
    Punapa déné kawula mugi sampun ngantos katandukaken dhateng panggodha,
    nanging mugi sami Paduka uwalaken saking piawon.
    [Awitdéné Paduka ingkang kagungan Kraton saha wisésa tuwin kamulyan ing salami-laminipun.

Bahasa Jawa Suriname

    Duh Bapaké awaké déwé nang swarga
    muga Jenengmu kasutyèkna.
    Muga kratonmu tumekaa
    lan kekarepanmu klakonana
    ing donya kayadéné nang swarga.
    Nyuwun sandang-pangan saben dina
    lan pangapura sangka ing dosa
    awit awaké déwé ya ngapura
    dosané wong liya.
    Nyuwun aja sampèk kenèng goda
    nanging luwarana sangka ala.

Bahasa Sunda

    Nun Ama di sawarga.
    Mugi jenengan Ama nu suci dimulyakeun.
    Karajaan Ama mugi rawuh.
    Pangersa Ama mugi
    laksana di dunya, sapertos di sawarga.
    Mugi abdi dinten ieu dipaparin tedaeun nu picekapeun.
    Sareng hapunten kalelepatan abdi, sakumaha abdi oge parantos ngahapunten ka nu gaduh kalelepatan ka 
    Mugi abdi ulah diterapan cocoba anu abot,
    sawangsulna mugi di salametkeun ti panggoda Iblis.
    [Wirehi nya Ama nu jumeneng Raja, kawasa sareng mulya, salalanggengna.

Bahasa Batak Toba/Tapanuli

    Ale Ama nami na di banua ginjang.
    Sai pinarbadia ma goar-Mu.
    Sai ro ma harajaon-Mu.
    Sai saut ma lomo ni rohaM di banua tonga on songon na di banua ginjang.
    Lehon ma tu hami sadari on hangoluan siapari.
    Sesa ma dosa nami songon panesanami di dosa ni dongan na mardosa tu hami.
    Unang hami togihon tu pangunjunan.
    Palua ma hami sian pangago.
    [Ai Ho do nampuna harajaon dohot hagogoon ro di hasangapon saleleng ni lelengna.

Bahasa Batak Karo

    O Bapa kami si i Surga.
    Kam kap Dibata Si Tonggal.
    Kam kap Raja kami.
    Kam kap si erkuasa i doni janah sura-SuraNdu seh kerina bali ras i surga.
    Bereken min man kami nakan cukup i bas wari si sendah enda.
    Alemi min salah kami bagi ialemi kami salah kalak kempak kami.
    Ola bere bene kiniteken kami tupung ikenai percuban,
    tapi pulahi min kami i bas si jahat nari.
    (Sabap Kam kap Raja si Simada Kuasa ras Kemulian seh si rasa lalap.

Versi lain

    Bapa kami si ni surga.
    GelarNdu i Pebadia min.
    Reh lah min kinirajanNdu.
    Seh lah min bagi peratenNdu
    I doni enda bagi ni surga.
    Bereken kami nakan cukup bas wari si sendah enda.
    AlemiNdu salah kami bagi ni alemi kami salah kalak si lit man kami.
    Ula min babaiNdu kami kubas percuban.
    Tapi olangi lah kami idur si ilat nari.
    [Sebab Kam kap si mada kerajaan ras kuasa ras kemulian si ndekah ndekah na.

Bahasa Simalungun

    Ham Bapanami na i nagori atas.
    Sai pinapansing ma Goran-Mu.
    Sai roh ma harajaon-Mu.
    Sai saud ma harosuh ni uhur-Mu
    i nagori tongah on songon na i nagori atas.
    Bere Ham ma bannami sadari on hagoluhan ari-ari.
    Sasap Ham ma dousanami,
    songon panasapnami bani dousa ni hasoman, na mardousa dompak hanami.
    Ulang ma bobai Ham hanami hu parlajouan,
    tapi paluah Ham ma hanami humbani pangagou.
    [Ai Ham do simada harajaon ampa hagogohon ampa hasangapon sadokah ni dokahni.

Bahasa Aceh

    Jadi meunyoe meudoá-meudoá kheueh lagée nyoe,
    Bapak kamoe nyang na dalam syeuruga:
    Beuteupeu kudus kheueh nan Droeneueh,
    beuteuka kheueh keurajeuen Droeneueh,
    beujeuet kheueh keuheundak Droeneueh,
    dibumoe lagée lam syeuruga.
    Beuneubri kheueh peunajoh kamoe nibak uroenyoe nyang kamoe peureulée.
    Beuneupeu amphon kheueh desya kamoe lagée
    kamoe ka meu peuamphon ureuëng nyang meudesya ateueh kamoe.
    Dan bék kheueh neuba kamoe lam peucubaan,
    teuma beuneu peulheueh kheueh kamoe nibak si Jeuhet.
    [Kareuna Droeneueh kheueh nyang po keurajeuen, dan kuasa dan keumuliaan sampoe siumu masa.

Bahasa Bali

    Ajin titiang sane ring suarga,
    parab Palungguh Aji mangda kaluihang.
    Pamrentahan Palungguh Aji mangda kadegang,
    pakarsan Palungguh Aji mangdaja mamargi iriki ring mrecapada, sakadi ring suarga.
    Ring rahinane mangkin, icenja titiang pangan kinum sategepipun.
    Ampurayangja iwang titiange,
    sakadi titiang ngaksamayang anake sane sampun maiwang ring titiang.
    Maliha sampunang titiang kabakta ring genah gegodane,
    nanging bebasangja titiang saking I Jaat.
   [Santukan Palungguh Aji sane nuwenang pamrentahan, kakuasaan miwah kaluihane langgeng salami laminipun. Amin.]

Bahasa Madura

    Rama se jumenneng e sowarga:
    Moga asmaepon Junandalem emolja’agiya.
    Karaja’annepon Junandalem moga dhatengnga.
    Karsaepon Junandalem moga kalakona e bume akadi e sowarga.
    Parenge abdidalem rajekke are mangken.
    Parenge sapora abdidalem dhari sadajana kasala’an,
    akadi abdidalem jugan nyapora sadajana oreng se gadhuwan sala ka abdidalem.
    Ja’ maso’agi abdidalem ka dhalem gudha’an,
    namong palopoddagi abdidalem dhari se jahat.
    [Junandalem rato se molja sareng se kobasa salanjangnga.

International Consultation on English Texts

    Our Father in heaven,
    Hallowed be your name,
    Your kingdom come,
    Your will be done,
    On earth as in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread.
    Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
    Save us from the time of trial,
    And deliver us from evil.
    [For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
    Now and forever. Amen.]

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Source :
Hendro Suseno

   D                         G                 A
                     Em                     G                    A
        D                     G                           A
                       Em                G

           Bm                                     A
                Em                                    A
         Bm                                       A
             Em                     G                      A

             D                                      Em
              A/C#                                     D
F#          Bm                  Bb+                D/A                  Em
               G           D/F#                    Em      G A    D

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Fullness of Faith by Benny Hinn

source :

As the Holy Spirit begins to work in the depths of your soul, He strengthens you spiritually with spiritual strength and maturity that gives you an even greater level of faith and enables you to trust God for the impossible and believe Him for the invisible.
No matter what the obstacle, no matter what challenge you may face, you will say with the Psalmist: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1).
That strength comes from deep within as the Holy Spirit brings fearless, and sometimes even violent faith to your life.
Beneath our confession there needs to be a tremendous faith that what Jesus did at Calvary was not for our judgment, but for our freedom. It is time that we as believers stop looking at our failures and see God’s mercy.
Even the early believers had to learn the fact that we are not justified by works but by faith in God. What is faith exactly? Hebrews 11:1 declares, “…Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
I like what A.W. Tozer said about faith, “People have faith in “faith”-and largely forget that our confidence is not in the power of faith but in the Person and work of the Savoir, Jesus Christ.
Ask yourself today if you have faith in faith or if your faith is in the Person and work of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Only He can, by faith, meet your every need. And only He can, by faith, fill your life with the fullness you long for.
Peace with God:
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1-2

Friday, May 11, 2012

Memaknai Arti Kehilangan

Sumber: Anne Ahira

Ada seorang perempuan yang merasa sangat kehilangan saat ditinggal mati suami yang sangat dicintainya.

Demikian besar rasa cintanya, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk mengawetkan mayat suaminya dan meletakkannya di dalam kamar.

Setiap hari, dia menangisi suaminya yang telah menemaninya bertahun-tahun. Wanita itumerasa dengan kematian suaminya, maka tidak ada lagi makna dari hidup yang dijalaninya.

Cerita tentang wanita itu terdengar oleh seorang pria bijak yang juga terkenal memiliki kesaktian yang tinggi. Didatanginya wanita tersebut, dan dia mengatakan bisa menghidupkan kembali suaminya. Dengan syarat dia meminta disediakan beberapa bumbu dapur yang mana hampir setiap rumah memilikinya.

Namun, ada syarat lain, bumbu dapur tersebut harus diminta dari rumah yang anggota keluarganya belum pernah ada yang meninggal dunia sama sekali.

Mendengar hal itu, muncul semangat di hati sang wanita tersebut. Dia berkeliling ke semua tetangga dan berbagai penjuru tempat. Setiap rumah memiliki bumbu dapur yang diminta oleh si orang bijak, tapi setiap rumah mengaku pernah mengalami musibah ditinggal mati oleh kerabatnya. Entah itu orang tua, suami, nenek, kakek, adik, bahkan ada yang anaknya sudah meninggal.

Waktu berjalan dan tidak ada satu pun rumah yang didatanginya bisa memenuhi syarat yang dibutuhkan.

Hal ini menjadikan wanita tersebut sadar, bahwa bukan hanya dirinya yang ditinggal mati oleh orang yang disayanginya.

Akhirnya, dia kembali mendatangi si orang bijak dan menyatakan pasrah akan kematian suaminya. Hingga kemudian dia menguburkan mayat suaminya, dan menyadari bahwa semua orang pasti pernah mengalami masalah sebagaimana yang dihadapinya.

Pesan dari kisah di atas adalah, jangan pernah menganggap bahwa masalah yang ada pada kita merupakan masalah yang paling besar, sehingga kita mengorbankan waktu hanya untuk terus meratapi musibah tersebut.

Yakinlah, bahwa semua orang di dunia ini pernah mengalami musibah,  apapun bentuknya. Yang membedakan adalah bagaimana seseorang menghadapi dan menyikapi masalah yang ada pada dirinya. :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Tugas Cross Cultural Understanding kali ini membahas tentang Prostitusi, kami dibagikan 3 artikel seputar prostitusi yang berkata tentang legal dan tidaknya prostitusi itu. Artikel yang dibagikan, ditulis oleh Anne mengatakan ada 3 alasan mengapa prostitusi legal kemudian Donna M. Hughes tentang penyebab dan solusi untuk prostitusi , dan Janice G. Raymond tentang 10 alasan untuk tidak melegalkan prostitusi.

Menurut Wikipedia, Prostitusi atau pelacuran  adalah penjualan jasa seksual, seperti seks oral atau hubungan seks, untuk uang. Seseorang yang menjual jasa seksual disebut pelacur, yang kini sering disebut dengan istilah pekerja seks komersial (PSK). Dalam pengertian yang lebih luas, seseorang yang menjual jasanya untuk hal yang dianggap tak berharga juga disebut melacurkan dirinya sendiri, misalnya seorang musisi yang bertalenta tinggi namun lebih banyak memainkan lagu-lagu komersil. Di Indonesia pelacur sebagai pelaku pelacuran sering disebut sebagai sundal atau sundel. Ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku perempuan sundal itu sangat begitu buruk hina dan menjadi musuh masyarakat, mereka kerap digunduli bila tertangkap aparat penegak ketertiban, Mereka juga digusur karena dianggap melecehkan kesucian agama dan mereka juga diseret ke pengadilan karena melanggar hukum. Pekerjaan melacur atau nyundal sudah dikenal di masyarakat sejak berabad lampau ini terbukti dengan banyaknya catatan tercecer seputar mereka dari masa kemasa.
Resiko yang dipaparkan pelacuran antara lain adalah keresahan masyarakat dan penyebaran Penyakit_menular_seksual, seperti AIDS yang merupakan resiko umum seks bebas tanpa pengaman seperti kondom.

Menurut saya pribadi apabila kita melihat dari segi agama memang dengan jelas tidak diperbolehkan tindakan tersebut, sedangkan segi ekonomi prostitusi sedikit memberi masukan dana ke daerah yang bersangkutan. Namun, semuanya itu kembali lagi kepada kita. Alangkah lebih baik adanya gerakan untuk mewujudkan lapangan kerja yang wajar sehingga tercipta kehidupan masyarakat yang damai sejahtera. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Time To Use Your Authority by Joseph Prince

Exodus 14:15–16
15And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. 16But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it...
The problem with the body of Christ today is not that we are not praying. We are praying. But many of us are praying desperate prayers. We are praying, “God, help… God, please… God, do something about my problem!”
If you are smiling a little by now, most likely, you know about such prayers and might have prayed a couple yourself. My friend, God does not want you to pray pleading prayers all the time. He wants you to use the authority He has given you to pray powerful prayers, to boldly command and to “stretch out your hand” and see miracles happen.
When Moses stood before the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit, the Bible tells us that he cried out to God. But God told him, “Why do you cry to Me?”
There is a time for you to cry out to God and there is a time for you to use your authority. God told Moses, “Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it.”
The “rod” you have today is the name of Jesus. As you command in Jesus’ name, your “sea” will open and you will go on dry ground through the midst of your problem.
Do you realize that Jesus did not say, “Go and pray for the sick”? He said, “Go and heal the sick.” (Matthew 10:8) So stop pleading and asking all the time, and start using the authority you have in Christ.
Jesus told the church, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore…” (Matthew 28:18–19) My friend, God wants you to go and use the authority that He has given you. And as you go, miracles will flow!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bawa Daku Mendekat PadaMu by Ev. Daud Tony

Lagu ini sangat menyentuh hatiku.. 
kalau mau download silakan klik di sini

Bawa daku mendekat padaMu
Tinggal di dalamMu
Menikmati anug'rah kasihMu
Hidup dalam kehendakMu

Reff :
Ku tak ingin jauh dariMu Tuhan
Bawaku ke tempat kediamanMu
Biarkanlah RohMu tinggal di dalamku
Di bait suciMu 

Dalam ruang maha kudusMu
Aku bersujud menyembahMu
Yesus anak domba sungguh layak disembah s’lamanya

Dalam mulianya hadiratMu
Nyatakan kasih dan hormatku
Yesus anak domba sungguh layak dipuja s’lamanya

Kudus….2x Engkau Tuhanku
Surga bumi penuh keagunganMu
Ku sembah Engkau Yesus ku mengagumiMu

Brigde: Surga bumi menyembahMu
Yesus Raja mulia maha kuasa

Ending : ku sembah Engkau Yesus kukagumi
Ku sembah Engkau Yesus ku mengagumiMu 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mentoring dengan Mbah Yo

Mazmur 20: 1-7
Untuk pemimpin biduan. Mazmur Daud.Kiranya TUHAN menjawab engkau pada waktu kesesakan! Kiranya nama Allah Yakub membentengi engkau!
Kiranya dikirimkan-Nya bantuan kepadamu dari tempat kudus dan disokong-Nya engkau dari Sion.
Kiranya diingat-Nya segala korban persembahanmu, dan disukai-Nya korban bakaranmu. Sela
Kiranya diberikan-Nya kepadamu apa yang kaukehendaki dan dijadikan-Nya berhasil apa yang kaurancangkan.
Kami mau bersorak-sorai tentang kemenanganmu dan mengangkat panji-panji demi nama Allah kita; kiranya TUHAN memenuhi segala permintaanmu.
Sekarang aku tahu, bahwa TUHAN memberi kemenangan kepada orang yang diurapi-Nya dan menjawabnya dari sorga-Nya yang kudus dengan kemenangan yang gilang-gemilang oleh tangan kanan-Nya.
Orang ini memegahkan kereta dan orang itu memegahkan kuda, tetapi kita bermegah dalam nama TUHAN, Allah kita.
Mereka rebah dan jatuh, tetapi kita bangun berdiri dan tetap tegak.
Ya TUHAN, berikanlah kemenangan kepada raja! Jawablah kiranya kami pada waktu kami

Ini saya dapatkan dari mentor doaku yaitu Mbah Yo tanggal 19 Maret 2012. Bersyukur Tuhan pertemukan saya dengan beliau. Beliau orang yang ramah, penuh kasih, serta pendengar yang baik. Yang saya tahu banyak orang dberkati olh kehidupannya. Terima kasih ya Tuhan buat kebaikanMu... Kiranya Engkau memberkati beliau beserta keluarga besarnya.. Hamba yakin dan percaya kalau Engkau mencukupkan apa yang mereka butuhkan bahkan Kau memberi dengan kelimpahan... Matur nuwun Gusti Yesus.
Semoga para pembaca diberkati lewat share saya.
Gusti Mberkahi.    

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Feeling Now

Hi... 3 bulan ni menurutku saya mengalami proses pembentukan yang berharga..Tuhan mendidik saya supaya untuk terus mendekat kepadanya. Namun seringkali saya menjauh darinya, saya sibuk dengan aktivitasku, kebiasaan burukku, dan segala hal yang mengalihkanNya dari posisi TERUTAMA dalam hidupku.
Setelah saya sadari kalo saya sudah terlalu jauh dengan Tuhan, ku coba kembali untuk mendekat padanya. Sudah lama memang hal ini terjadi bagaikan masalah klasik yang muncul saat saya merasa frustasi. Dulu saya merasa sangat tidak layak di hadapanNya, tapi saya tahu lewat Firmannya n komunitas tempat ku berada (YouthTeen n HOME F5) saya tau kalo Tuhan itu sangat amat rindu kepadanya walaupun anakNya bandel Dia selalu sabar menanti kedatangan kita, saat kita sakit Dia teramat rindu untuk memulihkan kita.
Akhir2 ini saya coba bangun lagi kehidupan penyembahanku yg sering aku lewatkan. Makin saya tau penyembahan tidak berkata soal lamanya waktu, ngangkat ato g, pake instrumen ato g, tetapi penyembahan itu berkata soal KUALITAS hubungan kita dengan Tuhan. Sejauh mana kita haus, lapar, rindu mencari wajahNya.dalam Mazmur 16: 11 berkata "Engkau memberitahukan kepadaku jalan kehidupan; di hadapan-Mu ada sukacita berlimpah-limpah, di tangan kanan-Mu ada nikmat senantiasa" woww..itulah yang layaknya kita rasakan saat kita menyembahNya..Saat saya share dengan Gembala YouthTeen (Pdm. Samuel Anton S., S.Kom,,@samuel_anton, aku drefresh soal WORSHIP. Menurut PiTon (sebutan akrabnya di YouThTeen) WORSHIP adalah :
W - Wonder, adanya kekaguman kepada Tuhan atas apa yang kita alami selama kita hidup iring Dia
O - Overflowing, kelimpahan yang teramat sangat karena Tuhan rindu untuk memberkati kita berlimpah
R - Revelation, adanya pewahyuan atau hikmat yang kita terima
S - Sacrifice, pengorbanan atas apa yang Tuhan percayakan dalam hidup kita. Terkadang kita berat tapi tergantung dengan motivasi kita
H - Healing, pemulihan yang kita rasakan tadinya lemah menjadi kuat ato pembaharuan hidup kita
I - Intimacy, kedekatan kita dengan Tuhan kita
P - Power Presence of God, kekuatan hadiratNya yang kita dapati sebagai sumber kehidupan kita
Setelah mendengar itu, saya tersentuh, saya juga setelah share dengan PiTon lalu share dengan  my beloved Koko Theofilus Ari Surya, beliau pun setuju dengan opini PiTon soal Whorship.
Saya mau bangkit, karena saya tau saya ada hanya untuk menjadi penyembahNya yang menyembah dalam ROH DAN KEBENARAN...^^ dan apa yang saya lakukan adalah sesuai dengan KehendakNya.
Mari saya ajak para pembaca post saya ini, Yuk kita bangun hubungan yang baik dengan Allah. Sadari akan kelemahan kita. Memang dibutuhkan suatu keadaan kita sengaja mendekat kepada Tuhan supaya melatih diri kita...
Selamat Menikmati Hadirat dan Kemenangan-Nya...^^


Lagu ini saat pertama kudengar sangat menyentuh hatiku... why? ada kalimat yang menyatakan kalo sebenarnya ada kerinduan terdalam kita sebagai umatNya ingin memuliakan NamaNya di setiap kehidupan kita...  Semoga menjadi insipirasi...


Ku sembah KAU dengan segnap hidupku

Ku tersungkur, di kakiMU
Seirama dengan hatiMU
Here I am, hineni
Here I am Lord, hineni

Setiap langkahku, nyatakan kemuliaanMU
Tangisan hatiku untuk tuaian jiwa-jiwa
Semuanya kulakukan, bawa gelombang lawatanMU
Sampai karpet merah tergelar
Bagi sang RAJA

(bridge 1)
Mata Tuhan tertuju, pada baitNYA
Hati Tuhan tertuju, pada rumahNYA

(bridge 2)
Datanglah KrajaanMU, jadilah kehendakMU

(bridge 3)
Biarlah ku menjadi
Rumah keintiman, rumah kemuliaan
Tempat KAU berdiam, sampai selamanya

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sekar Cepoko Binabar

This is a community that is specially in the arts and environment. Meaning of the name of this community is investigated the identity of an art in the environment. Mr. Suyana which coordinates the movement is housed in the community Gunungpati, Semarang. He dreamed of performance "kethoprak" a simple but exciting the audience even though such amount to 5 players complete without musical accompaniment can still enliven its appearance. Its members consist of various groups, from young children to adults. Circle time adjusted by the board of the community.
On the day Sunday, March 4, 2012 this community had the opportunity to participate in carnival culture in boarding school that followed also by other artists. They walk from terminal to boarding school, members of the Javanese traditional dress and a clown to entertain the people who saw the carnival event.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others.
Ever since the rise of the New Order regime 35 years ago, many minorities in Indonesia have to face racism and discrimination of Indonesia. This is achieved through many pieces of legislation. Some of them are specifically targeted at the Chinese ethnic minority. A minimum of 62 such enactments are currently known to be valid law in Indonesia. These enactments regulate various sectors such as religion, economy, education, custom and culture and are to the effect of restricting the rights of the targeted ethnic in those fields. However, we are glad that President Gus Dur has eliminated one of the regulations by Presidential Decree, even if this is far from being adequate.
As a result, racial violence has become a common phenomenon in Indonesia. In 1998 women of Chinese descend were targeted for rape, the rest of the ethnic Chinese community for assault, looting, and murder. Such atrocities occurred in major cities such as Medan, Makassar, Jakarta and Solo. Racial riots occurred also between the Dayaks, Malays and Madura in Kalimantan in 1997. More recently in Maluku, mass-killings occurred between civilians belonging to two different religious groups. On a smaller scale, anti-Christian violence also occurred in Mataram and anti-Chinese riots in Pekalongan.(
from that issue, we learned that although Indonesia says "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" there are still some people or groups who have not thought proper to those who differ with them. lack of moral education in the family make society sometimes become an unsafe place for minorities. but now Indonesia is grateful there is progress, when there is a big event like a football event, all the Indonesian people to unite with one voice to support the Indonesian national team. in fact if we learn from our own families appreciate, maybe racism will not happen.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Global Youth Culture

By Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner

In my reflection, i learned about the global development of youth all over the world and reality in life. Writers shared about the process is how the culture affects the youth of the world. Most influence started from habits of young people who carried out routinely. Which is often seen is the field of fashion, a gathering place, and hobbies.
The spread of the habit through the media in everyday life. Such as MTV (Music Television) in this channel a lot of special events for the Youth program; Movie of film culture is often also shown that there is such freedom writers, the film tells about the life of a youth who gathered only with the same race and in the end they can united; magazine, from magazine we knows about what is the Lifestyles celebrity, hot news, and also fashion; internet, when we are browsing the Internet, Sometimes we see advertisement about the new gadget or we clicks on Lifestyles we see what is trending topic now. Besides That writers also said about youth live in poverty, wars, and Slavery.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


media is a place where people communicate what happened, promotional items, or voice their opinions. we often encounter in our daily lives so many kinds of media such as print and electronic media. sometimes for the media to promote a product, for some reason there is something that attracts us so that there is a desire to buy goods that are promoted, there are also impressions that exist in such television news show that we can know what is being discussed by the general public, and reality show that makes we laugh because the humor players might have made ​​us even moved by the sad circumstances that occur.
nah, from the media we can know that the impact of media into one of the factors forming the human personality. if we as an audience of media that is necessary to "Filter" to filter media where appropriate to the age of media audiences. once we know the impact of the news show that is not appropriate for children like action movies, there are children playing pistol events containing plastic bullets, one child was injured at the temples so that the child is a little hard in his sight. I again invite us all to selective, have the "Filter" to be able to sort out which media is right to be enjoyed


Ethnocentrism is making value judgments about another culture from perspectives of one's own cultural system. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and subdivisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.
in my experience, I've found ethnocentrism in the field of cultural leadership. often happens that people who have the authority sometimes abuse their authority. But I have ever experienced was at the time of discussion, sometimes the leader makes the decision regardless of the noise from the existing partners. and what happens, some of the partners running the existing decision with a heavy heart. but grateful at all agree with what has been decided to give it an advantage. there are a wise man said that there is no one righteous, no not one.
so what can I learn from etnocentrisme, we can indeed take pride in what has become our culture or habits. but based on what the wise man had said that nothing is true, we as human beings we should complement each other, to love, even reminding that we live in this world can create the life of peace.

Monday, January 23, 2012


A stereotype is a popular belief about specific types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.
The term stereotype derives from the Greek words στερεός (stereos), "firm, solid" and τύπος (typos), "impression," hence "solid impression".
It was invented by Firmin Didot in the world of printing; it was originally a duplicate impression of an original typographical element, used for printing instead of the original. American journalist Walter Lippmann coined the metaphor, calling a stereotype a "picture in our heads" saying, "Whether right or wrong imagination is shaped by the pictures seen originally printers' words, and in their literal printers' meanings were synonymous. Specifically, cliché was a French word for the printing surface for a stereotype. The first reference to "stereotype," in its modern, English use was in 1850, in the noun, meaning "image perpetuated without change."
Although the term in the printing sense was first coined in 1798, the modern psychology sense was first used by Walter Lippmann in his 1922 work Public Opinion.
too often people think of commercial sex workers are women who are naughty. but there are also those who chose the job because it was forced by the demands of the situation.
here's one example of the story of a commercial sex worker:
I do not know where to start. But, this is a story that was actually happening. The following story is representative of the lives of friends in the county.
Education! Has vanished from my life. Especially is this? not enough mental anguish that I experienced the above? God, why are so many trials have you crack to me? Destroyed, can not afford my own future I folded arms. I've been trying, desperately, and my thoughts. However, it is not enough to sustain my school .. 'Drop out!' I hate those words. I do not want it to close I would not even think to experience it, let alone actually happening to me. However, reality says another. Things happen and I'm afraid even I really experience today. Know? How shattered hopes and dreams are. How I was unable to accept the fact that I can no longer continue my school. Things I'm proud to be leading me towards a bright future has been lost and far from the dream to be invited back in my life.
From the outset it I had no support from parents to continue my education to junior high school. They further asked me to work alone after my elementary school days ended at that time. But, I want to continue to any junior high risk. Anyway, from there Pemerintahkan BOS (School Operational Assistance) that I had seen ads on TV. The ad, which has given me the spirit that made me survive means to maintain in order to enter junior high.
Masses of my time in class VII junior really stepped so make me happy. Did not think I could sit in junior high school. Given all of the struggle itself, I mean without the slightest interference or support from my parents. Starting from my school I'm looking for a place, register and so on. Lord, thank you for this opportunity. There I saw a glimmer of a bright future in my life. I live my days with joy from the first start I go to school, familiar with new friends and the teachers are very nice and friendly guy even though there are also teachers who sometimes like coquettish. It was nearly two months I went in and go to school in junior high. Full of love, cheerful and smiling.
But before I stepped on the first semester, issue after issue arising from my family especially my parents. I who as the eldest of four brothers started worry about the problems going on. At that time, my father began sickly and did not know what the cause of her illness. We were not able to bring the father to the Hospital and Health Center is only able to bring it to the course. But, that's two Sunday there was no progress until finally something that has robbed it all started coming toward me. Starting from what has been the mother talking to me. He says, I better quit school and find work. At that, the World seemed to have collapsed, lightning darting all wishful never left my mind a bit. I could not refuse her. Mother said, "you are the eldest son, the oldest child in this family". Plus the mother had quickly find me someone who would take me to work.
That day, I still remember clearly. On Friday, residents in my village after performing Friday prayers I've been told by the mother getting ready to go to Jakarta with my neighbor. I have without question according to my mother, I will work with what there is still 13 years old I'm getting to and 14 years. Although I never asked if my job later mother always said, "Come on, according to all! Do not have a lot of questions. What is clear with your work, you will recover and we can eat! "Yes, that's what mom always accusing me when I asked. Especially with a fairly loud tone made me so reluctant to ask it again though I'm very confused.
After sunset, I had arrived in Jakarta. I was at my neighbor to introduce by a woman aged about 40 years. He greeted me with a sweet smile. He said, "you do not fear it. With you working here, you will be able to very much money from you according to ama mommy "he calls himself by calling mommy and I were made to follow him to call mommy to him. After I met, I was sent to sit and wait a while because he will move to the next room to talk about something to my neighbor and I will just nod. I do not understand anything at that time. I'm just a plain girl who was only 13 years old, has no experience of anything and for sure I'm in the process of getting a job to produce a salary for my family at home who are in need.
About 15 minutes I waited. Finally, my neighbor was out of the room side with mammy. I see, my neighbor came out with a very happy face like it had discovered the value of a good report card. No less senengnya make mami also a look on his face filled with bling-bling to shine. On the right-hand neighbor, I melitah a large envelope was thick enough on the handheld close and I suddenly asked. "What is it sir?" He said, is it money that he made my family at home in order to bring the father to the hospital. I froze, here I have not worked anything but koq been able to get money for the house. Strange indeed, but I did not dare ask. After briefly shaking hands, my neighbor's home immediately excused himself to leave in place perantaun away from my parents' house with a woman who nearly wrinkles that kept staring at me since I arrived.
The first night, I was treated very well by women who are more big than the mother's calling me mommy as well. Really beautiful they were. With a feminine makeup, hair-long hair was loose and the body-his tall and lanky. I finally slept soundly but first, mom had stopped by my room and saying something. "Goddess, yes you get plenty of rest tonight. Because tomorrow you will start bekeja. Tomorrow you must be prepared and learn to make up your face and dandananmu same brothers who had been "a sweet smile that she always gave. I also ventured to ask, "Mother, if I may I know, I'll work ya bu what about tomorrow?" Mammy was told, "take it easy, you do not have to be afraid. You work koq fun. Now, you do not have a lot to ask, you better get some rest "" yes Mommy "I said.
The next day, around Asr time runs out. I was taken by one of his sisters who accompanied me last night to a place for ordinary people there wore makeup. He said, "you just according to y ..." with mendudukanku directly in front of a dressing table. Total, I changed drastically. To the extent that I did not recognize my own face. I'm in magic as a very beautiful soap opera star. When finished dressing, in the order I will wear clothes that have been provided by the brother who had dressed it. Astghfirullah, who am I? What am I? So what am I now? Before the questions were answered by the liver had my little brother was quickly brought me to a place of shooting. I'm in that style in order demonstrated by someone who was at that place. I'm more confused, the more I do not understand. The purpose of all this is what exactly? I have it like this for what?
I just realized, it turns out that my neighbor took me to Jakarta is a supplier of Commercial Sex Workers (CSW), no wonder my friends or neighbors, another neighbor who works in Jakarta and distributed by the neighbors it's not uncommon to bring a little money. Thus, the mother has told me to go whole money (making money) and distributed by him to Jakarta. Oh it turns out, the money that has been the time taken by a neighbor who was about to be given to the mother at home is the result of the sale of virginity. Apparently, the photos of me it is as a bargain-om om myself to it. No ... ... I can not accept this fact. I, has been in perjual traded! And still I'm confused and wondering, if the mother does not know if it turns out I was hired like this in Jakarta? What, in fact the mother had known earlier and had deliberately let myself be sold like this? Oh, why did his own mom has been as low as it would do to his own child? Because of innocence and ignorance, and I did not know anything, that much I'm easily deceived, tricked, lied to, until diperjualkan like this. Now, it's happened, babies who are born can not possibly go back to his mother's womb. Flowers bloom now has buds, Sun will be forever obscured by clouds and the moon will remain closed pekatnya cloudy. Me, myself contemptible and all will call me prostitute!
from the story I learned that we always live in the options. follow what is good or bad. have a heart that is ready to be taught and shaped to be a blessing wherever we are. If she was obedient to parents in an appropriate manner they amicably discuss what they could do to be able to survive remains on the right path, surely she will not experience a very sad thing. but above all, when we appreciate and accept with sincerity what is happening in our lives then we will attain enlightenment.

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Space: Cross Cultural Understanding

My Space: Cross Cultural Understanding: My Experiences Through Cross Culture Understanding The first thing that comes on my mind when I heard about “Culture” is something uni...

wow... funny story..hehehe.... have a chat with the people who was different tribe is exciting...^^ New Culture.. New Culture..: I have experienced with my neighbors, because I live in the environment of International School so there are many foreigners around me....

Wow... So grateful that lives around the foreign people... They can adapt our culture well so we should give applause to them...hehehe....=)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

1st Time

This is my experience when shared with people who are different nations. Initially I was hesitant because I was embarrassed when it comes to speaking English with that person.
I met with her when there is a spiritual seminar in Getsemani, Ungaran. really grateful to share with her. Initially I used the English language to share with her, she turned out to be Indonesian. I share about the spiritual experience. after that we came closer and I call him as "Mommy". She comes from Adelaide, Australia, very friendly and easy to get along with anyone. She is very enthusiastic when listening to people who talk with her. after the seminar ended we sometimes still in touch by email.
hehehe ... Basically because I was still in doubt then I use google translate to help when going to share with him. thanks google.. ^.^ has created a tool translate google that is helpful. sometimes i'm really confused about what is going to be share. but most often we share stories about what we've been through and the state of our respective countries. In the of the share, she was always guided and supported me with wise words. Thanks God, so grateful know her. ^.^
Then i also remember when i have a study tour "PGSD BI" goes to Bali, we have an assignments to interview the Foreign Tourist at Tanah Lot.... Wow... It's so difficult because most of the Tourist didn't accept our offered to interview... My group and me thinks that Tourist saw us like a reporter because we bring our paper interview.. So we agreed, put our paper on our pocket and say hi to the Tourist when they have a time (hopefully...^^) we'll have little chit chat with them according to our interview's rules...Finally we got the very kind old man who was very excited when we have chat with him..^^